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19th C Colonial Gunboat

Randy Bond - 21Jan11 9:22AM

I would like to see a gunboat added to the Hocker Types of Empire range. Today I saw one in the collection of Tommy Allison made by Mignot that looks quite nice, is made of metal, should not be overly difficult to make and would be affordable for a large range of collectors. British figures like the French colonials that come with the Mignot could be created to go with it or other Hocker figures could be used. I am sure Bill could create a nice little and playful gem that would capture the essence of the Imperial Era.

French Colonial River Gunboat, Madagascar, 1895
Mignot set # 1508

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1. - 22Jan11 10:10AM

Amazingly one of Kitchner's Nile Gunboats, the Malik, from the 1897 Nile Campaign has survived and now graces the Blue Nile Sailing Club in Khartoum. I had considered trying to do a "condensed" version of the Malik when I did the Nile Campaigns years ago, but as with other naval attempts gave up on such a large endeavor. Other makers have now done them, of course.
2. - 22Jan11 10:12AM

Production of a steam launch, the inspiration for the "gunboat" shown in Randy's photo, might be more likely when I get around to my Great American Movie series.

Since 1983